Estancia Posdoctoral en Jaén

Carmen Torres at University of Jaén (Department Psychology) is accepting applications to host a prospective postdoctoral candidate as long as funding is obtained from the European Commission through the Marie Sklodowska-Curie individual fellowships for 2018. This fellowship is open to citizens from any nation. A PhD degree and expertise in the behavioral neuroscience of learning and addiction is desirable. The main research topic will be frustration, self-medication, and drug intake in animal models of reward loss (

The Guide for applications is available on-line:

Detail with Carmen Torres

Beca doctoral en Estudio Traslacional de Memoria y Cognición Social



Se busca candidat@ para presentar a beca doctoral en el marco del proyecto Estudio Traslacional de Memoria y Cognición Social en Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas.

Para postular debes ser graduad@ o estudiante próxim@ a recibirse de carreras afines a ciencias biológicas, biotecnología, bioquímica, psicología o medicina, con promedio ≥8 y predisposición a aprender nuevas técnicas y trabajar en equipo.

L@s interesad@s pueden contactar a la Dra. Noelia Weisstaub ( o a Pedro Bekinschtein ( adjuntando 1- Curriculum Vitae, 2- Carta de interés comentando motivaciones y posible experiencia anterior que considere relevante.

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Passing of Professor Jaak Panksepp (1943 – 2017)


Compartimos con ustedes la triste noticia sobre el fallecimiento del Dr. Jaak Panksepp.

El Dr. Panksepp fue, sin dudas, una figura significativa en el estudio de la neurobiología de las emociones.

Entre sus trabajos más destacados se pueden mencionar Affective Neuroscience: The Foundations of Human and Animal Emotions (1998) y The Archaeology of Mind: Neuroevolutionary Origins of Human Emotion (2012).

Posición Post-Doctoral (neurociencia afectiva) en The University of Texas at Austin

university_of_texas_at_austin_seal-svgA postdoctoral position is currently available in the laboratory of Dr. Joseph Dunsmoor at the University of Texas at Austin in the Department of Psychiatry to investigate affective neuroscience in healthy populations and patients with clinical anxiety. These projects utilize functional MRI and peripheral measures of psychophysiology, and incorporate aspects of Pavlovian conditioning, episodic memory, and decision making. Candidates will also have the opportunity to be involved in studies using real-time fMRI and immersive virtual reality.

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Assistant Professor (Psychology) Position: Behavioral and Cellular Neuroscience

Texas A&M University, the Behavioral and Cellular Neuroscience area in Psychology will be hiring an assistant professor. We are particularly interested in individuals who could interface with both department faculty and researchers examining recovery after neural injury. The focal area is spinal cord injury. The position is not limited to those doing animal research and the start-date is flexible.

Click for Job Ad

Curso Básico: Introducción a la Neurociencia Computacional y Téorica

curso_doctorado_neurociencia_computacional_teoricaCurso Básico del Doctorado en Neurociencias de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina):

Introducción a la Neurociencia Computacional y Teórica

Coordinador: Dr. Francisco A. Tamarit

Consultas a:

Carga horaria: 60 hs.

Inicio: Martes 4 de Octubre de 2016
Lugar y horarios definitivos: a confirmar

Inscripciones en la Secretaría del DNC o por correo electrónico.

Para más detalles:

Arancel: $ 600 (estudiantes del DNC y personal de la UNC exentos).

Para abonar el arancel siga las instrucciones:

Posdoctoral Opportunity – Neural mechanisms of motivated behavior

Come do science with us

Applications are sought for full-time, NIH-funded Postdoctoral Scholar position at UCLA.

The successful candidate will work as part of an interdisciplinary research team in the laboratory Dr. Kate Wassum in the UCLA Department of Psychology.
The broad objective of the lab is to expose the psychological processes and neural mechanisms that underlie reward-related learning, motivation and decision making.

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